training & education resources
To keep your business and/or organization proactive when it comes to diversity, inclusion and equality, it is vital that continual training and education is incorporated for all staff members. Consulting organizations on inclusivity, and other evaluations from outside entities bring in a clear evaluation of the organization's beliefs, mission, tasks, and principles. Without continual assessments, individuals and organizations run the risk of becoming outdated with materials and practices, as well as not creating an inclusive or equality based environment for staff and clientele.
c.c. we adapt
Our Public Awareness and Education service provides public speaking engagements and presentations delivered by speakers with lived experience, while including relevant data and best practices to address the needs of communities.
Safe space at uwec
This training, put on by UWEC covers the acronym, the legal landscape for LGBTQIA+ folx, social justice frameworks and how to be an active ally to the LGBTQIA+ communities.
power of perception
We often avoid talking about race due to the simple fact that it can be uncomfortable. Diversity and inclusivity training is a key component to effectively lead our current workforce, organizational structures and school systems.